
Showing posts from July, 2021

Righteous | You have rights

Righteous 💙 | Self-Righteous  Do you know your rights? Your personal rights to yourself? You owe it to yourself to be satisfied. "I shall prosper in my righteousness. I will do what is in my greatest interest, for my health, for my mind, and for my spirit. I shall abide by the rules of my own and do right by myself. I have the right to be happy. I have the right to make changes to my life. I have the right to be a better person. I have the right to correct myself. I have the right to speak my mind. I have the right to feel good about myself. I have the right to have a smile on my face. I have the right to love my life. I shall practice doing what’s best for me because it is always the right thing to do. I will love myself. I will believe in greater. I will live in my truth so I may live in peace." "There is always the fear of self-righteousness possessing us, the fear of arrogating to ourselves, a superiority we don't possess." - Mahatma Gandhi Be certain about...