ACCEPT | You'll be happier.

ACCEPTANCE 💙 | Self-Acceptance

The action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered or something existing; to confirm or affirm, is to accept. It is also the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable; to welcome or embrace. In other words, Self Acceptance is the welcoming of who you truly are and giving life to that person (him/her). It's also called freedom. 😊

Accept your-self and be happy with your decision. Clarity will come as your true self begins to manifest. Allow time for the mind to process all of your being. Peace will enter and fear will exit. 

Everyone has a unique story, do not let someone else write yours. Each day we are telling the world who we are by our actions. What do you want to be known for? Confess your own story by living in your truth. Be who you are because you were acceptable enough to be created.


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